How to become great at anything...

How to become great at anything...

I was very fortunate to have some great conversations this past weekend...

My favorite part is the different perspectives I get to hear about things I'm already aware of.

One conversation I had was about just learning to play bluegrass on the guitar.

It's very challenging to do and very challenging to do well. 

The amount of time, reps, and "failures" it takes to become decent at playing bluegrass is a lot.

Significant enough that you think about quitting or thing that this just isn't for you. 

It's not about talent but the reps and time dedicated towards building the foundation of your skill.

Here is the beautiful part!

The secret to becoming good at playing bluegrass on the guitar...

Don't quit. 

You'll eventually get it.

Same applies to everything in life.

Just don't quit. 

It's always worth it. 

Keeping practicing until you're so frustrated with whatever it is you're doing you could beat it up in fight, break it, throw it across the room and destroy it.

Then come back tomorrow and practice again until you're frustrated as hell with it. 

And just keep coming back.

That's how it's done.

Whether it's learning bluegrass, business, a new career, or language. 

Just keep moving forward.

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