Nothing is ever going to be easy...

Nothing is ever going to be easy...

You're never going consistent days that feel easy. 

That's just reality.

Most of the days you're going to have things not go your way.

You'll have things that make your life harder. 

You're not going to feel like doing something. 

99% of real people face these problems each day.

The reality is you have people who are great at dealing with these problems and then you have people who are terrible at it. 

The people who are great at handling these problems view it as their responsibility to improve themselves so that these "problems" are insignificant to them. 

They become so undeniable that none of these things matter.

The problems become a no-factor. 

The people who are terrible love to procrastinate the work required of the solution. 

They blame others for their shortcomings.

They blame their circumstances.

They blame their lack of ability. 

They never take responsibility for their actions or lack of.

They complain that life isn't fair to them and others have it easy.

The truth is that life isn't fair and no one has it easy.

It only looks easy to some because the massive amount of work and personal development people have put into themselves to better handle life's problems. 

Show me someone real who's life "looks easy" and I'll show you a massive amount of work that has likely been compounded over years to build the skills, know how, and ability most right off as "they have it easy."

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