The two paths in life...

The two paths in life...

You have two choices.

Live life with the victim mentality and lead a dumpster fire of a life.

Where you constantly blame others for your problems, don't take ownership for your faults, blame circumstances for where you are in life...
You can live life on the hard path...
Where you'll be required to make hard decisions.
Consistently put in hard work.
Consistently uphold yourself to a standard.
Do things you don't want to do.
Consistently problem solve and do things even when you're tired...
BUT, because you choose the hard path.
You'll get rewarded with some of the raddest experiences one person could hope to have.
You'll meet some of the coolest fucking people and have some of raddest friends who push you to do more.
You'll live a life where you're fulfilled and proud of the work you do. 
Most importantly you'll have some of the most fun doing it because you're giving yourself purpose. 
Like me, I'm sure many of you wish you could just turn it off sometimes and not have to solve this problem, or have this conversation, or do this research and work so you could just coast through life and chill...
But that doesn't provide purpose. 
It doesn't provide the same satisfaction of the hard path. 
That's why all these people who have the loudest voices in life complaining about this, and that, and blaming others all live a dumpster fire of a life and are depressed as fuck. 
Choose the hard path in life. 
It's far more rewarding.
It gives you purpose.
You'll be far happier walking that path than the victimhood one. 
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